This project explored how the implementation of an aural dimension in the architectural virtual reality model can improve the experience of spatiality and visual tactility during the creative process.

The aim was to prove that it is possible to heighten the sense of presence in the architectural model in virtual reality by implementing an aural dimension to the otherwise solely visual environment.

VR sensing model

The exploration has been directed by the question of how the combination of senses – listening and seeing – affect the solely visual impression. This project shows how the multisensuous stimuli creates an experience of the room that is closer to the real, thus creating a higher sense of the atmosphere in the rooms of the architectural model.

The project developed a prototype framework for allowing users to experience sound feedback of their foot steps interacting with different floor materials and the impact of the acoustics properties of the room they explored.

The framework was built upon the following platforms: HTC Vive, Unity, Arduino, Processing.

Framework model


Master thesis project by: Marie Døssing

Supervised by: Jonas Fritsch
