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Figma beyond the screen! Exploring alternative interfaces

Welcome to the second time we're hosting the Workshop "Figma beyond the screen", where we invite curious ITU students to learn how the MakeyMakey can turn any conductive object to a button. This allows for powerful and creative ways of interacting with prototypes - Figma, or whatever you can imagine :) On this page, we'll […]

Arduino Basic Workshop!

Our second arduino basic workshop this semester! Another great opportunity of playing with arduino in a social context, exploring how Arduino can be used as a way of combining physical inputs and outputs! More info to come Bring your computer! All students welcome Slides link: https://www.figma.com/proto/OhcCjFMbPQ44ndYgHaYtNb/AIRLAB-workspace?type=design&node-id=3027-6632&t=nOBdEmlMtTO21Ds2-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=2189%3A2&starting-point-node-id=3027%3A6632&mode=design

Wekinator workshop

Post-workshop update! The workshop went great, and the attendees learned how easy it is to register an unique input, and have it trigger something on another device. In this case, motions with your phone -> Computer. This allowed for unique use cases, like using your phone as a wand to trigger different spells, based on […]