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Wekinator workshop

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Wekinator workshop

March 20 @ 14:00 - 17:00

Post-workshop update!

The workshop went great, and the attendees learned how easy it is to register an unique input, and have it trigger something on another device. In this case, motions with your phone -> Computer.

This allowed for unique use cases, like using your phone as a wand to trigger different spells, based on the specific movements. Other creative uses include spelling out letters in the air, to trigger keystrokes on a computer. We recommend using the official wekinator examples, to help get an overview of some well-documented I/O combiatnions. We think Wekinator is a great way to get some practical experience with how machine learning might help you prototype your ideas, allowing you to focus on the expression of your work instead of just getting it to work.

See you next time, in AIRLab

Example code


Want to use machine learning in your projects? Then join us in AIR lab on March 20th 14.00 – 17.00! This workshop will focus on Wekinator, easy-to-use software for interactive machine learning with no Coding. A great possibility to learn how machine learning can be used in your projects.
All ITU students are welcome!

Sign up here (not a demand!)


In this workshop we will introduce you to the basics of supervised machine learning. Though using Wekinator you will be able to play with supervised machine learning combining wekinator with different input and outputs. 


Slides: https://www.figma.com/proto/OhcCjFMbPQ44ndYgHaYtNb/AIRLAB-workspace?page-id=2189%3A2&type=design&node-id=2959-92&viewport=-18%2C392%2C0.03&t=mjlGYjcHoAQALbJs-1&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=2959%3A92&mode=design


March 20
14:00 - 17:00