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AIR Lab launch

ITU lab 1 Rued Langgaards Vej 7, København S, Danmark, Denmark

AIRLab Launch Flyer Launch event of the new Affective Interaction and Relations lab (AIR Lab) at ITU. The 1st of March we launched the AIR Lab with an opening event. The event was mainly an internal event for ITU staff and students. Here we showcased a series of research and student projects, and explained the […]

AIR Lab Workshop Series #1: Interactive Projections

In the 2019 fall semester, AIR LAB hosted a workshop about creating interactive spaces with projections. For the workshop we made use of the Processing IDE and the lab’s ceiling-mounted, floor-facing Microsoft Kinect body tracker and Projector setup. After an introduction to the hardware, participants were provided with example code, that could later be used […]

AIR Lab Workshop Series #2: Sensors & Sound

AIR LAB workshop series #2 SENSORS and SOUND on 21st of November. Come help us experiment with our new sensor board, while making interactive sound prototypes. 🎛🔈 Learn a simple way of getting sensor data from Arduino to desktop programming in Processing, without coding on two platforms.


EVENT: infrastructures for un/recommoning How can we explore infrastructures for un/recommoning that engage us affectively, prompt us to reassess value systems and allow us to come together differently (on the level of divergent collective bodies (ourselves, communities, environments)) through processes of attunement facilitated by a number of techniques and technologies? Minor Movements; Infrastructures for un/recommoning […]

AIR Lab Workshop Series #3: Disharmonizing Spheres

A creative coding workshop on interactive sound and light spaces – a collaboration between ITU and the Rhythmic Music Conservatory   During this workshop students from the RMC (Rhythmic Music Conservatory) and ITU (IT University of Copenhagen) will collaborate on creating interactive sound and light spaces. They will work with sound and light design, the […]

Breathing Commons Workshop

Our research group hosted a great workshop on the topic of "Breathing Commons" on Friday 6th of November at the AIR Lab. We did individual and collective breathing Exercises, which was a challenging and discursive activity to pursue during Covid pandemic times. However, this helped us to reflect on the importance of breathing and the changing perception […]

DAK x AIR Lab – Open Lab

DAK og AIRLab har slået hovederne sammen og inviterer til et hyggeligt event! Fredag d. 11. marts kl. 14-16 åbner vi døren ind til labbet og byder på en introduktion til de forskellige projekter og labbet generelt. Der vil være rig mulighed for at møde labpersonalet i et løst format, hvor vi sammen vil blive […]


In april AIRLab hosted the very first Creative Coding Club! Creative Coding Club is a workshop aimed at establishing an informal coding-events for students all across ITU. For this initial soft launch of CCC, we invited students to design an Album Artwork in Processing. The workshop was kicked off with a general introduction to Processing and generative […]

AIR Lab Relaunch 2023

THANKS FOR JOING OUR RELAUNCH FIGMA EVENT 🫶 We had a great time in the lab for this years first event! @dditaktivitetskomite had invited Senior Product Designer @asikjaer from @duckwisestudio to host a Figma workshop for students at ITU. Besides being an awesome and useful masterclass, the event marked the beginning of an exciting semester […]


In the first half March 2023, we hosted our second installation of our Creative Coding Club! We opened our doors, and facilitated a workshop wherein students were invited to play with Arduino, and a variety of different input- and output devices. The design pitch was to create an idea for how AI could express itself. […]

Friday Bar: Drinks & Demos

With a little help from our friends next door @scrollbaritu, we were able to open up the AIR LAB Friday Bar! We were so happy to see both old and new friends in the lab, joining us for drinks n’ demos! Wether it’s a casual friday chat or an important design project, collaborating and getting […]


Another Creative Coding Club took hold of the lab in April! We were so happy to invite students to play around with one of our custom interfaces: The Fakey Fakey! In collaboration with the trusty people of @dditaktivitetskomite, we established a space for students to explore how fruit, liquids, paint or anything conductive can function […]

CreativeCodingClub #4: Arduino [LightPlay]

AIRLab presents our fourth installment of CreativeCodingClub, where we're going to be examining how we can use the Arduino-platform to create interactive light installations, and other light-related prototypes. Resources: Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/4889679997822773 Presentation slides LINK Handout (wiring etc.) LINK GitHub repo (code examples) LINK Pictures below!

ITU @ CPH Light Festival: Introduction

In this workshop, we're going to introduce what it means to exhibit at the CPH light festival and give a brief introduction to light-installations as a field, aswell as some information about the tools and ressources available here in AIR Lab, and at ITU. We're also going to be talking about how we, in AIR […]

Sketching workshop w/ Lawrence Marvit

DAK is proud and excited to present out first event of the semester - a sketching workshop, hosted by accomplished artist Lawrence Marvit. Lawrence has spent a few years teaching sketching and design at the acclaimed animation school in Viborg, and has worked with the likes of Pixar, Sony, Universal, Disney TV, Cartoon Network and […]

ITU @ CPH Light festival: Groups and concepts

Join our second workshop about the creation of light installations for the CPH Light festival, right here at ITU! Every ITU student is hereby invited to join us in AIR Lab, and get a chance to be a part of a group, that will create an interactive light installation for the CPH light festival! This […]

Figma Workshop w/ Laura Augustinus

Join us for the biannual Figma workshop, this time hosted by DDIT’s very own Laura Augustinus! Laura has spent the last couple of years studying DDIT, while working as a UX product designer, and freelance graphic designer Besides being a Figma enthusiast and Analog veteran, Laura knows exactly what it means to study DDIT and […]

The cultural use of space and ITU’s space program

Did you know that ITU is part of a space program? Swing by AIRLab on the 31st of October, and let Julian Priest from introduce you to a hobby you didn't know you have.   Outer Space is changing. Falling launch costs and the CubeSat form factor means that access to space technology is opening […]

CCC#5: FIGMA beyond the screen

We're happy to announce the fifth instalment of our Creative Coding Club! This workshop explores ways of interfacing with Figma with alternative interfaces. We will detach ourselves from the keyboard and mouse, and instead use any conductive objects to interact with prototypes. To accomplish this, we’ll utilize the "Makey Makey" - a device that allows […]

Friday bar & TRACE project launch

Come by the lab to celebrate friday has arrived, hear about the TRACE research project, and meet the researchers. Read more about the TRACE project here: (link)

Stella Camp in AIRLab!

On November 11th and 12th, AIRLab was the center of Stella Camp, where curious teens aged 13-17 took the chance to participate a variety of engaging workshops. Enchanting sounds of nature, the magic of creative AI, and the art of music all in one vibrant space! Imagining green futures using Generative AI: Digital artist Andreas […]

Research workshop on somaesthetic design

AIR LAB Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen S, Denmark

Participants on the workshop were a group of HCI researchers and was facilitated by researcher Katerina Stepanova, visiting ITU from Simon Fraser University, Canada, and Assoc. Prof. Vasiliki Tsaknaki (ITU). As part of their research on design with breathing for embodied connection, the researchers conducted a somaesthetic design workshop prototyping with somadigital materials. They explored […]

Feminist Technoscience Film Club vol. 1

AIR LAB Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen S, Denmark

The film club is hosted by PhD student Anna Brynskov from Digital Design, in collaboration with ETHOS Lab and AIR Lab. https://ethos.itu.dk/teaching_activities/ This spring, Feminist Technoscience Film Club will host three film screenings on the theme ‘bodily relations and machines’. It is open to anyone, but make sure to book a (free) ticket if you […]

Arduino Basic Workshop

This workshop will be an opportunity for students to engage (or reengage!) with Arduino, and use. Besides being a fun, wonderful start to the semester it's a useful skill for wide variety of courses and projects!   Link for the slides: https://www.figma.com/proto/OhcCjFMbPQ44ndYgHaYtNb/AIRLAB-workspace?page-id=2189%3A2&type=design&node-id=2683-6662&viewport=812%2C307%2C0.06&t=u2rUhkI5UzsIkera-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=2683%3A5694&show-proto-sidebar=1&mode=design    

AIR Lab 5 Year Friday Bar

Dear current and future friends of the AIR Lab! It's hard to believe, but it is now 5 years since we launched the AIR Lab at ITU back in 2019. To celebrate this, we'd like to invite everybody to join us for some birthday cake and bubbles (with and without alcohol) in the Lab for […]

Wekinator workshop

Post-workshop update! The workshop went great, and the attendees learned how easy it is to register an unique input, and have it trigger something on another device. In this case, motions with your phone -> Computer. This allowed for unique use cases, like using your phone as a wand to trigger different spells, based on […]

Arduino Basic Workshop!

Our second arduino basic workshop this semester! Another great opportunity of playing with arduino in a social context, exploring how Arduino can be used as a way of combining physical inputs and outputs! More info to come Bring your computer! All students welcome Slides link: https://www.figma.com/proto/OhcCjFMbPQ44ndYgHaYtNb/AIRLAB-workspace?type=design&node-id=3027-6632&t=nOBdEmlMtTO21Ds2-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=2189%3A2&starting-point-node-id=3027%3A6632&mode=design

Feminist Technoscience Film Club vol. 2

AIR LAB Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen S, Denmark

We are excited to announce our second film in the Feminist Technoscience Film Club! We will be watching Crimes of the Future (2022) by David Cronenberg. The screening is open and free for all, but registration is required and seats are limited. 🎞️ Does your bed also need new software? Crimes of the Future is […]

Figma beyond the screen! Exploring alternative interfaces

Welcome to the second time we're hosting the Workshop "Figma beyond the screen", where we invite curious ITU students to learn how the MakeyMakey can turn any conductive object to a button. This allows for powerful and creative ways of interacting with prototypes - Figma, or whatever you can imagine :) On this page, we'll […]

Andreas Refsgaard: ML5 prototyping workshop

Niche superstar Andreas Refsgaard, a renowned creative coder and former design student here at ITU, swung by AIRLab on Tuesday to host a workshop. In this session, curious students explored the possibilities of using face- and body-tracking packages for P5.js. The workshop began with Andreas demonstrating some of his prototypes, followed by participants spending two […]

Open lab! Bedazzle your things

On Friday, April 26th, from 14:30 to 16:00, the doors of AIRLab will be open to all students, with DAK providing all the materials one could wish for to bedazzle your belongings. There will be music, demos, and all-around good vibes. Starting at 15:00, our neighbors at Scrollbar will be celebrating their birthday, and we're […]

Feminist Technoscience Film Club vol. 3

AIR LAB Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen S, Denmark

We are thrilled to announce the third and final Feminist Technoscience Film Club of this semester! We will watch two episodes of the South Korean drama My Holo Love (2020) and warm up with the short film Alexandra (2019) directed by Anna Brynskov. Expect hologram, AI, and blockchain technologies on screen 👾 Alexandra takes place […]