In AIR Lab we strive to engage with as many different research domains as possible. One way we do this is by offering fellow researchers at ITU our expertise on design and construction of physical and digital prototypes.

see previous research projects here:

Prototype development

In AIR Lab we offer our expertise in developing prototypes to all researchers at ITU. We strive to be as flexible as possible when it come to the types of projects we engage with, but are of course limited by our areas of expertise, and the time we have available.

We have a very simple process for getting a research project established in the lab. You just book a meeting with us where you will introduce the project, and the wishes you have for our involvement. The process runs two times a year, giving two deadlines where this meeting needs to be held before.

10th of June (projects running in the fall semester)
2nd of December (projects running in the spring semester)

We will let you know two weeks after the deadline if we can get involved in your project for the upcoming semester. 🙂

The contact for booking the meeting, or getting more info, is our lab manager. Find contact info here:

NB: In case of more requests than we can handle, we will prioritise based on which projects we can help the most, and alignment with our own research profile (read more here).