Arduinos are open-source programmable micro-controllers, which can be used to make custom-made electronics projects. The Arduino micro-controller is programmable through its built-in IDE, and often used in combination with sensors (inputs) and actuators (outputs) to respectively measure and affect the environment in which the Arduino is placed. The Arduino environment is considered one of the go-to frameworks to start building programmable and interactive artefacts, because of its relatively easy learning curve, its extensive documentation, its countless code examples and large community supporting it. 

This is our intermediate kit, which requires a little more experience with Arduino. We also have basic Arduino kit, which is good for getting started with Arduino. 


  • Arduino Uno microcontroller 
  • USB connection cable 
  • Screw terminal breakouts for Arduino Uno 
  • Screwdriver 
  • 12v power supply 
  • Motor module 
  • 12v DC Motor 
  • Servo Motor 
  • Infrared (IR) distance sensor 
  • Light Dependant Resistor (LDR), i.e. a light sensor 
  • MPR121 Capacitance sensor (with multiple input channels), i.e. a touch sensor 
  • Piezo module (Can be used as output or input) 
  • Prototyping wires 


Getting started with Arduino UNO
What is an Arduino? Extended guide 
Tutorials from Arduino
Arduino Reference overview
MPR121 Capacitance sensor, extensive guide