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Monthly Archives: June 2024

GenFrame prototyp at ITU.


GenFrame is an interactive picture frame that mimics traditional paintings while being equipped with generative AI capabilities. Painting “portraits of a girl” has been a trope in art history for centuries. However, in the era of generative AI models, the perma- nence of traditional art is challenged. When an AI model is able to mimic any painting style, it can also give agency to the viewer to repaint the painting per individual desires. In this installation, we modify the role of the museum placard to provide a minimal tangible interface to change the style of the image and the mood of the depicted girl. In…

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Abstract Representation of Air Quality in the Home prototype

Abstract Representation of Air Quality in the Home

The living room: Tangible Explorations of the Symbiosis in the home Air pollution, in the form of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), affects both climate change and general public health negatively. It is estimated that air pollution causes around 7 million premature deaths per year, and is the biggest factor that negatively impacts public health globally. Exposure to PM2.5 particles over a longer period of time heightens the risk for lung and heart diseases, including lung cancer. PM2.5 is often considered in outside air pollution concerns, but is also present inside homes, in the form of dust or mold etc. or created by activities such as…

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Materializing the future of fertility prototype.

Materializing the future of fertility

This project provides an exploration of fertility challenges within a Danish context, addressing the trend of the rising average age of first-time parents and the increasing demand for fertility treatments. In relation to the increased focus on reproductive technologies, the speculative concept of ectogestation creates the foundation for this project. Ectogestation deals with the possibility of extrauterine pregnancies. In this project, a speculative design artifact named COCOON materializes a scenario of a disembodied pregnancy, presenting a platform for discussions surrounding hopes, concerns, and considerations regarding fertility, and the preferred role of reproductive technologies in the future. COCOON is a wearable womb that allows people to…

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