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Tag: Bachelor thesis

Materializing the future of fertility prototype.

Materializing the future of fertility

This project provides an exploration of fertility challenges within a Danish context, addressing the trend of the rising average age of first-time parents and the increasing demand for fertility treatments. In relation to the increased focus on reproductive technologies, the speculative concept of ectogestation creates the foundation for this project. Ectogestation deals with the possibility of extrauterine pregnancies. In this project, a speculative design artifact named COCOON materializes a scenario of a disembodied pregnancy, presenting a platform for discussions surrounding hopes, concerns, and considerations regarding fertility, and the preferred role of reproductive technologies in the future. COCOON is a wearable womb that allows people to…

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Mood ring prototype product image green.

Mood Ring

A speculative exploration of emotions in technology In this speculative design project, we explore how people interact with and reflect upon emotion-sensing technology throug a prototype inspired by the color-changing mood rings that many are familiar with from their childhood. The prototype analyzes one's emotional state by utilizing EEG and a machine learning algorithm. Our project, Mood Ring, is a prototype designed to measure and visualize a user's emotions using brainwave data. We have incorporated several components to create this interactive experience. The Muse 2, a portable headband, captures the user's brainwaves through EEG technology during meditation sessions. These brainwaves, including alpha, beta, delta, gamma,…

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Activating affective relations on Amager Faelled.

Activating affective relations on Amager Fælled

  This project explores how Copenhageners' affective relations to the nature of Amager Fælled, an urban green area located in the North-western part of Amager in Copenhagen, can be activated through design. Our motivation behind the design project originates from the controversial construction case of the residential area 'Fælledby', which has been a topic of political debate for years. The controversial case highlights the importance of understanding the affective dimension between humans and nature, and we believe that this dimension is particularly relevant to understand as climate changes influence how people perceive the world as well as the future. In the project, we engaged with…

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Shoptimal: A new way to shop App grafik.

Shoptimal: A new way to shop

How can we through speculative design explore traditional UX design conventions in relation to e-commerce, in order to create room for reflection regarding the frictionless user experience? Shoptimal is an app-based design concept meant to explore the potential future of shopping. By allowing the app access to your phone’s camera and your behavioral patterns, while scrolling, Shoptimal will shop online for you. It creates a virtual wishlist, based on what items it has noticed you liked or disliked and orders them for you, allowing the user to get what they want, while remaining surprised. The shopping experience has become completely frictionless, and the user will…

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A Sense of Direction prototype electronics showcae - Brodersen (2019)

A Sense of Direction

  This explorative project examines the unique capabilities of haptics for personal mobility purposes by examining current issues with pedestrian navigation. A research through design methodology was adopted, using sketching and prototyping practices in the design of a haptic wrist-worn display, able to express spatial directional guidance through vibrotactile stimuli. The final prototype is user-tested, and the process findings are discussed. It is argued that the designed interaction presents an alternative approach to turn-by-turn navigation, although more research is needed in this area. PROJECT MEMBER Gabriel Frederik Brodersen  

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Collective Affective Loops

Collective Affective Loops

Designing for shared experiences in Affective Computing This thesis explores the proposed concept of a Collective affective loop. The Collective affective loop aims to reinforce a mutual emotion within both its users, and increase the engagement in the social experience. A prototype was built in the social context of a blind date. This social context was chosen for its specific set of expectations, culture and rules. We anticipated that participants were more likely to express a smile in this social context, as it would be perceived as a positive gesture. Through the applied technology of Facial Expression Recognition (FER), the system tracked both participants’ facial…

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