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Tag: museum



SoundDive is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Art, Design and Technology (CATCH) in Elsinore and AIR LAB at the IT-University of Copenhagen. The installation is an auditive augmented virtuality experience of a science-fiction soundscape. The soundscape represents what the deep sea around Elsinore could sound like in the not too distant future. When entering SoundDive, users encounters the buzzing of internet cables along the seabed and drones speeding by them as they explore and interact with the soundscape by moving around the room. The project was an experiment in how sound could function as the main modality of mixed reality experiences.…

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Diary of Niels being used by kid.

Diary of Niels

Diary of Niels is an interactive museum exhibition piece. The diary is a medium through which the fictional house ghost Niels communicates with museum guests and shares memories of the life on Greve Farm in the 1800s.     Greve Museum consists of various exhibitions about life in the city of Greve through history. One of their permanent exhibitions is that of the farm house, an authentic old farm.   The research objective was first of all to uncover whether the consequences of the museological paradigm shift was even at play in Danish museums, and if so, how to possibly design for it. Prototype video…

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