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Tag: Programming



SoundDive is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Art, Design and Technology (CATCH) in Elsinore and AIR LAB at the IT-University of Copenhagen. The installation is an auditive augmented virtuality experience of a science-fiction soundscape. The soundscape represents what the deep sea around Elsinore could sound like in the not too distant future. When entering SoundDive, users encounters the buzzing of internet cables along the seabed and drones speeding by them as they explore and interact with the soundscape by moving around the room. The project was an experiment in how sound could function as the main modality of mixed reality experiences.…

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The LEDcube is an interactive art installation that is designed using quantification of movement types through an analysis of five field studies in Copenhagen. Field study areas: Søpavillonen, Ofelia Plads, Højbro Plads, ITU, Fælledparken. It is argued that LEDcube can stimulate movement in the visitor to some degree based on the theories and models involved in its making. The movement types are divided into categories to describe the way in which active and passive visitors interact with LEDcube. A Bachelor project by: Daniel Brandt-Olsen, Max Madsen & Jakob Løfstedt.

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