Book project support meetings AIR lab supports student, and research projects. These projects can develop prototypes, set up tests, borrow equipment, and get support for prototyping and working with our equipment and technical infrastructures. We offer support to all ITU students and researchers. Feel free to contact us prior to booking, or drop by the lab in our hopening hours! Have issues with the form? Go to external booking site
CPH light festival 2024 @ ITU
Post-exhibition update: We're very proud of our three fantastic groups, who each managed to present a finished, well-recieved exhibition in February, during CPH Light Festival. People gathered from near and far to experience the exhibitions, and interact with them. Our effort didn't go unnoticed by the festival, that rewarded us with the "Light of the day"-award. We dream of being able to continue our collaboration in many years to come! Descriptions of our three projects. "Fyr" invited the spectators to transfer their body heat to a tree in the winter cold, by pressing a lit-up hand-shaped button. The longer the button is pressed, the more…
UDREDNING ("Diagnosing") is an MR (mixed reality) audiovisual installation based on diaries, social media entries, and interviews with parents who have kids who are either in a diagnosing process or who recently have been through one. In the project, we try to express what it means to be a parent to a child going through the process of a rare disease diagnosis. There are around 800 known rare disease diagnoses, and for a disease to be rare only 1-2 persons for every 10.000 persons can be diagnosed with it. When you are the parent of a child being diagnosed due to developmental delays, medical events,…
LYDSPOR (SONIC TRACES), is a site-specific sonic experience that allows people to feel and sense narrative fragments of the past, interwoven with the present-day experience of human and nonhuman bodies co-existing in the city of Elsinore. The LYDSPOR experience uses sonic technologies and soundscapes to augment the existing space of the city with forgotten sounds and stories from the 1500-1600s, and it consists of three parts. Two physical installations; one at the harbour and the other at the City Museum of Elsinore, and one app-based soundwalk on the street Hestemøllestræde, leading up from the harbour to where the museum is located. The installation at the…
Disharmony of Spheres
This project is an art project and exhibition by art duo Foo/Skou (link). For this project AIR LAB has been developing an interactive framework and the sonic interaction design for the exhibition, on close collaboration with the two artists. The result of the collaboration was exhibited at Nikolaj Kunsthall in Copenhagen (29th of May - 22nd of August, 2021). Disharmony of Spheres was created with inspiration from the German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler’s idea of ‘the music of the universe’, a universe in ‘perfect harmony’. In a time of climate crisis, increasing polarisation and global pandemic, the audio-visual and interactive installation challenges the concept of…
PLURIVERS is a sound installation mounted in a birch tree trunk, that was found at the park surrounding the ArtCenter Silkeborg Bad. The installation transmit sound through the trunk, by use of surface transducers. When a participant is leaning an ear on the trunk to listen, a soundscape is heard and a circuit between the tree, the person and the forrest is completed. The audio recordings used are recorded by anthropologist Stine Krøijer and her project team during a research field trip to the amazonas, and mixed into a soundscape by AIR LAB. The installation was made…
How can technology accommodate people feeling lonely
As the world becomes more digitized, more people experience feeling lonely. Especially the younger generation is a victim of loneliness, and there is a need for this to be articulated. This Master’s thesis is an in-depth study on how the utilization of technology can help people feel less lonely. Through this examination, the study illustrates that loneliness is manifold, and can be divided into loneliness as a state and loneliness as a feeling, also known as solitude. The study is focused on loneliness as a feeling, and through the use of cultural probes it investigates how people feel and process solitude in order to…
Human Instruments
An interactive, playful installation which uses sounds and computer vision to affect a crowd. The installation is designed to take over a public square by appropriating and disrupting its use, thereby making people reflect on their behaviour. PROJECT MEMBERSOxana Jonsman, Mike Kalsig. COURSEPlayable Media (Games, 2nd semester)
Awkward Algorithms
With the advent of emotion recognition in consumer products, technology is set to play a more intimate role in people’s lives – but understanding the possible implications is not easily achieved through traditional methods of inquiry. This thesis project builds upon the framework of reflective design, which prescribes a socially responsible technology practice, and presents awkwardness as a strategy to spur necessary critical reflection on part of both developers and users. In a research through design process, the concept is underpinned by the development of a speculative voice assistant prototype, Frank, who is deployed for two weeks in three different domestic environments. Frank is based…
Dementia Simulator
What if spouses and professional caregivers could experience the emotional distress, confusion, and cognitive challenges facing people with dementia ? The DemSim project is about the design and construction of a desktop-sized multi-sensorial space allowing us to experiment with ways to expose people without dementia to a state of cognitive overload. While still in its infancy the project aims to break all the established standards considered crucial for successful interface and interaction design. By means of tactile, visual, proprioceptive, auditory and vestibular stimulation we will systematically seek to push the user towards a state of cognitive overload, amnesia, lack of concentration and Apraxia. In effect…
Affective Design for Increased Health Outcomes for Chronic Patients
This industrial PhD project, that is conducted in collaboration with the digital health agency Daman, explores affective and emotional features of supporting people in coping with chronic illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) facilitated by digital health technologies. Finding out that one has a chronic disease and learning to live with this condition is a life-changing experience characterised by a great amount of affective and emotional uncertainty. The PhD project aims to take this understanding as a starting point for assisting patients in developing empowerment and long-lasting coping strategies through affective interactions with mobile apps. The key question to be explored in this project…
BERMUDA (aka the Affect-o-meter) is a piece of soft white fabric suspended in four wires, each wire controlled by independent data streams fed by real-time analysis of the sounds in the Affective Interactions & Relations (AIR) Lab. The main idea behind the installation is to take data streams and give them a physical presence in a room for people to engage directly with. BERMUDA partially captures the atmospheric intensity in the room, and tries to add creatively to it. Partial capture is a key word here – BERMUDA does not attempt to perform a precise analysis of all the contributing factors to the atmosphere. It…