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Author: halj

Never let me go: test at museum.

Never let me go

- a play experience for art museums ‘Never let me go’ is designed by Karin Ryding who as part of her PhD project explores the concept of critical play from aesthetic and affective perspectives in the context of art and history museums.  ‘Never let me go’ is a two-player experience enabling art museum visitors to spontaneously create a personal experience for a companion, taking place in real time in the museum. The name ‘Never let me go’ actually gives a hint to what the experience is all about. It could be described as a playful tool that uses mobile technology to, for brief period of…

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Verbal traces showcase

Verbal Traces

Verbal Traces listens to words in a room, and creates an interactive visualisations based on their emotional content and character. It bares evidence of the verbal actions in a space, and feeds its representation of this back into the space. The physical form of the installation is a microphone with the ability to catch voices in the room, and a video projector for showing the resulting visualisation. The project aims at exploring ways of extracting affective value from a space, and uses that as base for interventions in the same space. Concretely its expression are generative visualisations based on sentiment analysis of texts generated by…

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  FlightFun is an affective design concept created to help individuals with flight phobia to better deal with their fear and irrational thoughts. When most people think of flying, they think of travelling, exciting experiences and a load of other positives. Other people find it terrifying and find themselves wrestling with their phobia, unable to relax and enjoy the flight. FlightFun is an affective design concept created to help individuals with flight phobia to better deal with their fear and irrational thoughts, it takes place in a group therapy setting, allowing one therapist to work with multiple clients at once. One user experiences a Virtual…

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drawingsound Promo

Drawing Music

An exploration in affective art Drawing Music is an investigation in how music affects people. The project is connecting analog drawings with digitally manipulated music, and raises the question... How does my drawing affect the music, and how does the music affect my drawing?   The project was exploring sound and its influential qualities. It aimed at creating a synesthetic experience between drawing and music connecting the hearing and the kinetic sense. The installation merges digital and analog medias to create a rich and natural interaction.   The concept Drawing Music is exploring how the energy, the mood and the tempo of a piece of…

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Person listening to The Living Tree.

The Living Tree

The Living Tree is an interactive sound installation where surface transducers are deployed in a real-life setting to design an immersive and affectively engaging interaction exploring the life of trees. The surface transducer technology emits vibrations through whatever material you press it against, turning the material into a speaker. When you touch and place your ear onto the trunk of the tree, you hear sounds of water running through the wooden veins combined with a heavy pulse and breathing that make the tree come alive sonically. Using Kinect sensors, we give people the ability to interact with the tree by moving around and climbing on it, causing…

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Knock sensor on foot.

The sensuousness of the digital representation

This project explored how the implementation of an aural dimension in the architectural virtual reality model can improve the experience of spatiality and visual tactility during the creative process. The aim was to prove that it is possible to heighten the sense of presence in the architectural model in virtual reality by implementing an aural dimension to the otherwise solely visual environment. VR sensing model The exploration has been directed by the question of how the combination of senses – listening and seeing – affect the solely visual impression. This project shows how the multisensuous stimuli creates an experience of the room that is closer…

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361° in Atrium People holdning big white ballons.

361° i Atrium

360° i Atrium is a place specific 360 degree video installation made for the ITU Atrium. The project is an outcome of our collaboration with local artist Peter Holmgaard and video photographer Henrik Ørslev. It was made for the AIR LAB launch event 1st of March 2019, and marks the start of a collaboration between Peter Holmgaard and AIR Lab, exploring 360 video and ambisonic sound. We are curious how these technologies can be used in different ways to explore the place specific element, peoples way of relating to the content, and the combination of 360° video in VR headsets accompanied by a ambisonic (3D)…

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Diary of Niels being used by kid.

Diary of Niels

Diary of Niels is an interactive museum exhibition piece. The diary is a medium through which the fictional house ghost Niels communicates with museum guests and shares memories of the life on Greve Farm in the 1800s.     Greve Museum consists of various exhibitions about life in the city of Greve through history. One of their permanent exhibitions is that of the farm house, an authentic old farm.   The research objective was first of all to uncover whether the consequences of the museological paradigm shift was even at play in Danish museums, and if so, how to possibly design for it. Prototype video…

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The LEDcube is an interactive art installation that is designed using quantification of movement types through an analysis of five field studies in Copenhagen. Field study areas: Søpavillonen, Ofelia Plads, Højbro Plads, ITU, Fælledparken. It is argued that LEDcube can stimulate movement in the visitor to some degree based on the theories and models involved in its making. The movement types are divided into categories to describe the way in which active and passive visitors interact with LEDcube. A Bachelor project by: Daniel Brandt-Olsen, Max Madsen & Jakob Løfstedt.

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Playing MP3 files with Arduino UNO

The Sparkfun mp3 player shield, is the AIR LAB default infrastructure for enabling the Arduino UNO's to play mp3 files. This guide is focusing on the exact steps you need to take, to make it work with our hardware, and the ressources we have tested are working together. This guide assumes a basic knowledge of Arduino (how to upload and run a program etc.)  DISCLAIMER: Working with mp3 files on an Arduino is often a bit of a struggle, which is why we always suggest to use something more suitable for playing sound. Our goto platform for this is a laptop running Processing code, if…

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Reading RFID tags in Processing

Reading RFID tags in Processing with the OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner This example shows how to read RFID tags from the Processing coding environment, using the OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner. The scanner emulates a USB keyboard, making this a very easy thing get started with. Needed to run this example 1 x OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner (link) A laptop with Processing installed (processing.org/download/) 4 x RFID (125 kHz) cards/tags NB: One card/tag is enough to make it work, but you wont be able to see the full code work Trying it out Download and unzip the Processing example code MOD_RFID125_reader from the OLIMEX_RFID_scanner folder in our Tutorials repository.…

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Orientation and position tracking

This tutorial shows a way of doing position and orientation tracking of a person using a Kinect sensor (IR webcam) and three IR LEDs. The code example used here was developed for an interactive sound installation with the need to track a personfrom above, getting both position and orientation. Normally getting the position of a person is pretty straight forward using a Kinect, but also getting the orientation of the person is a bit more tricky. In order to do this we developed the code resources included in this tutorial, and a headgear that could be mounted on a set of over-ear headphones. The headgear…

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