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Category: Tutorial

Reading RFID tags in Processing

Reading RFID tags in Processing with the OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner This example shows how to read RFID tags from the Processing coding environment, using the OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner. The scanner emulates a USB keyboard, making this a very easy thing get started with. Needed to run this example 1 x OLIMEX MOD-RFID125 scanner (link) A laptop with Processing installed (processing.org/download/) 4 x RFID (125 kHz) cards/tags NB: One card/tag is enough to make it work, but you wont be able to see the full code work Trying it out Download and unzip the Processing example code MOD_RFID125_reader from the OLIMEX_RFID_scanner folder in our Tutorials repository.…

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Orientation and position tracking

This tutorial shows a way of doing position and orientation tracking of a person using a Kinect sensor (IR webcam) and three IR LEDs. The code example used here was developed for an interactive sound installation with the need to track a personfrom above, getting both position and orientation. Normally getting the position of a person is pretty straight forward using a Kinect, but also getting the orientation of the person is a bit more tricky. In order to do this we developed the code resources included in this tutorial, and a headgear that could be mounted on a set of over-ear headphones. The headgear…

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Measuring Load Cells with Arduino

This tutorial will show how to setup a load cell with Arduino. Load cells comes in a variety of forms that allows for different tasks and categories of weight. They generally work by converting force into resistance, which can be measured and used in a broad variety of projects. This tutorial will use a single-point rectangular load cell rated for 20kg. This cell requires fastening between two surfaces to function properly. We will use the HX711 wheatstone bridge to measure with Arduino. You will need Load Cell, 20kg rectangular, fastened between two surfaces. HX711 wheatstone bridge Arduino + USB-cable  Breadboards Jumper wires Building the setup…

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Scheduling Processing sketches on Raspberry PI

In this short tutorial you can see how we schedule the running of Processing sketches (code) on a Raspberry Pi. In part 1 you can see how to set up a processing sketch to run on a schedule using CRON scheduling. In part 2 you can see how to set it up so the sketch runs when the Pi boots up, and make scheduled reboots using LXSessions and CRON. What you need A Raspberry PI with Raspberry Pi OS, or Rasbian. Basic knowledge of Raspberry PI and Processing. The Processing sketch For this tutorial we are using a simple Processing sketch that writes three random…

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Unity development for Oculus Quest & Go

Utilizing Unity with the Oculus Quest 2 allows you to create your own VR experience for your project. You will need experience with unity to utilize this.  Here are links to the guides we currently find most useful for setting up a the development environments for Oculus Quest & Oculus Go. NB: we try to keep these updated, as the this frequently change, so please let us know if you encounter any problems with these linkt, or the guides they reference. Setting up Unity for Oculus Quest development: Text based tutorial: https://medium.com/@sofaracing/how-to-develop-for-oculus-quest-on-macos-with-unity-5aa487b80d13 Video tutorial: Quest 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwFXQeBmxZ4&list=PLQMQNmwN3FvzN0M5IfS-k4nw4NLgNd7EC Watch the entire tutorial here. Quest 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-9nxJT5UA4…

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Measuring sound level with KY-037 and Arduino

Introduction This tutorial shows how to measure sound level in an environment using the KY-037 sensor and Arduino. The sensor offers two different outputs: A digital signal which is changed depending on a certain threshold of sound, and an analog signal representing the soundlevel. The sensor works best with audio/noise sources in close proximity. What you will need Arduino + USB cable KY-037 sound sensor Jumper wires Arduino example code found via our GitHub Page Preparing setup Connect Arduino and KY-037 as shown on schematic and table below. Connect the Arduino to your computer and upload the code to the Arduino Using the digital output…

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Playing MP3 files with DFplayer mini and Arduino

The DFplayer mini is essentially a small mp3-player which can be controlled by an Arduino. With the provided library you can easily control the module by calling functions, which makes the DFplayer mini easy to implement in projects using Arduino. What you will need DFPlayer mini MP3 module MicroSD card + adapter Arduino 2 x 1kΩ resistors 2 x pushbuttons 10kΩ potentiometer Mini Jack cable Mini jack female adaptor Breadboard + jumper wires   DFrobotDFplayermini Arduino library AIRLab example code A (introduction) and AIRLab example code B (Music player with buttons) Both code examples can be found on our GitHub page   Trying it out…

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Web-based content display 

In this tutorial we will show how to make a content display running a webpage with dynamic content, getting updated, at a given interval. We assume you already have a website you wish to show and gives all the instructions on how to set up a Raspberry Pi to show the website, and refresh the site, to account for dynamic content.   The idea is of course that you, with a bit of web skills, can design your own content page (webpage), pulling in dynamic content from various sources and showing an always updated view of this on a display. Hopefully you will find interesting use cases for this.   Some background on our use case (optional read) We used it to solve the boring problem of having a display…

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