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Author: sjel

GenFrame prototyp at ITU.


GenFrame is an interactive picture frame that mimics traditional paintings while being equipped with generative AI capabilities. Painting “portraits of a girl” has been a trope in art history for centuries. However, in the era of generative AI models, the perma- nence of traditional art is challenged. When an AI model is able to mimic any painting style, it can also give agency to the viewer to repaint the painting per individual desires. In this installation, we modify the role of the museum placard to provide a minimal tangible interface to change the style of the image and the mood of the depicted girl. In…

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Abstract Representation of Air Quality in the Home prototype

Abstract Representation of Air Quality in the Home

The living room: Tangible Explorations of the Symbiosis in the home Air pollution, in the form of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), affects both climate change and general public health negatively. It is estimated that air pollution causes around 7 million premature deaths per year, and is the biggest factor that negatively impacts public health globally. Exposure to PM2.5 particles over a longer period of time heightens the risk for lung and heart diseases, including lung cancer. PM2.5 is often considered in outside air pollution concerns, but is also present inside homes, in the form of dust or mold etc. or created by activities such as…

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Materializing the future of fertility prototype.

Materializing the future of fertility

This project provides an exploration of fertility challenges within a Danish context, addressing the trend of the rising average age of first-time parents and the increasing demand for fertility treatments. In relation to the increased focus on reproductive technologies, the speculative concept of ectogestation creates the foundation for this project. Ectogestation deals with the possibility of extrauterine pregnancies. In this project, a speculative design artifact named COCOON materializes a scenario of a disembodied pregnancy, presenting a platform for discussions surrounding hopes, concerns, and considerations regarding fertility, and the preferred role of reproductive technologies in the future. COCOON is a wearable womb that allows people to…

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Exploring Futures of Sexuality: Cloud Breathe Lust prototype.

Exploring Futures of Sexuality: Cloud Breathe Lust

Cloud Breathe Lust is a speculative design artefact that explores the relationship between erotic aspects of sexuality and inclusive technologies. Inspired by sex toys and soma design, it engages the body and creates somatic sensations through breathing and temperature changes while also being a communication tool for the feeling of lust in a teasing way. It involves two persons. When one breathes into the cloud, the air is translated into heat on the other person's arm as an indication of lust, and a mediated intimate space is established. The experience can also be supported by eye contact and whispering between the two persons. The artefact…

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Affective Intimacies prototype closeup.

Affective Intimacies

BACKGROUND: Sometimes the world is in a state of shock and sometime s that shock shakes us not only as a collective but as individuals. February 24th 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine, an event that surprised us all and started an active war on European ground. My boyfriend was in the army and in the midst of fear and change we had to adjust to a new normal, where he was deployed and I was at home. Fear and distance are the biggest threats to intimacy and now we had to learn and evolve in order to keep that intimacy between us. This experience became the…

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Mood ring prototype product image green.

Mood Ring

A speculative exploration of emotions in technology In this speculative design project, we explore how people interact with and reflect upon emotion-sensing technology throug a prototype inspired by the color-changing mood rings that many are familiar with from their childhood. The prototype analyzes one's emotional state by utilizing EEG and a machine learning algorithm. Our project, Mood Ring, is a prototype designed to measure and visualize a user's emotions using brainwave data. We have incorporated several components to create this interactive experience. The Muse 2, a portable headband, captures the user's brainwaves through EEG technology during meditation sessions. These brainwaves, including alpha, beta, delta, gamma,…

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Activating affective relations on Amager Faelled.

Activating affective relations on Amager Fælled

  This project explores how Copenhageners' affective relations to the nature of Amager Fælled, an urban green area located in the North-western part of Amager in Copenhagen, can be activated through design. Our motivation behind the design project originates from the controversial construction case of the residential area 'Fælledby', which has been a topic of political debate for years. The controversial case highlights the importance of understanding the affective dimension between humans and nature, and we believe that this dimension is particularly relevant to understand as climate changes influence how people perceive the world as well as the future. In the project, we engaged with…

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Muse – working with Brainwaves

Muse S is a commercial brainwave scanner developed for meditation, sleeping etc. This tutorial will walk you through connecting Muse S to the Mind monitor app, so that you can recieve Brainwaves instead of raw EEG. The Mind monitor app processes the raw EEG into actual Brainwaves: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta and Gamma. If you want to work with raw EEG or data from the other sensors (Gyroscope, accelerometer, heart rate) on Muse see our other Muse tutorial here. Setting up the Muse 2 with Mind monitor Before getting started you need to have the following items: PC mac or windows, Muse, Smartphone with MindMonitor…

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Adressable LED strip with Arduino

An Adressable LED strip is an LED strip where each individual LED can be independently controlled. This is the distinguishing feature of Adressable strips: the ability to program each LED on the strip to to display any color and brightness you want. Adressable LED strips find versatile application in various domains, including decorative lighting, wearable technology, artistic installations, and dynamic visual displays. Getting started Here are the steps covered in this tutorial: Installing Arduino IDE Installing FastLED Library Setup Arduino Download our code examples Explore Needed Materials Arduino + USB Cable. LED strip (prefferably NEOPIXEL) Jumper wires External power supply (needed for longer LED strips)…

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ATEM Mini Pro tutorial

The ATEM Mini Pro by Blackmagic Design is a versatile live production switcher designed for live streaming and video production. This comprehensive guide will help you get started and explore its capabilities.     Hardware Setup: Connect HDMI Inputs (Cameras/PC) : Connect up to four HDMI inputs to the ATEM Mini Pro. Ensure all inputs are powered on and set to HDMI output mode. Monitor: Connect an HDMI monitor to the HDMI output. This can be used to preview multiple sources and the program feed. But can also be used to present live. USB out (PC Control / Record to HD / Use stream as…

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Muse – Brainwaves or EEG

Muse S is a commercial brainwave scanner developed for meditation, sleeping etc. In AIR lab we use Muse 2 and Muse S for two scenarios. EEG and other raw data: EEG, PPG, Acceleromer, Gyroscope and Temperature sensor. Brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma & Theta).  We have written a tutorial for each of these, that you can find below this paragraph. If you dont know which one to choose, see our explanation of the two fundamental concepts that are essential for leveraging Muse effectively: EEG and brainwaves. Understanding these will not only enhance your experience with Muse but also enable you to make an informed decision…

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Wekinator – Creating machine learning algorithms

Wekinator is a software tool designed for interactive machine learning, particularly in the context of real-time multimedia applications. It was developed by Rebecca Fiebrink as part of her doctoral research and provides a user-friendly interface for artists, musicians, designers, and researchers to create custom machine learning models without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Wekinator is commonly used in the fields of creative coding, music composition, interactive installations, and more. At its core, Wekinator enables users to train machine learning models that can recognize patterns and correlations in data, and then use these models to map input data to desired output responses. This process is often referred…

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