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Author: tkau

Exploring shop, gips bryst.

Exploring Shock

This project set out to investigate how the body is affected during the occurrence of shocks, with a focus on the relation between micro-perceptional shocks and larger shocks. Founded on and inspired by affect theory, soma-design methods and research through design, I explored the physical reactions to shock, as well as try to implement them in a design and through this design gain insights to how the soma can be integrated to better understand shock. The design was inspired by the separation of body and soul, and the whole understanding of being only, or showing only parts of yourself was intriguing.This led to the idea…

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LY is a reimagining of our relationship with nature and is the result of a redesign process which started as a critique of the app SHELTER. The app represents an ontological view of nature which sees humans and nature as two separates. This project challenges this view and creates a more sensory and emotional nature experience, grounded in a holistic nature-human ontology. LY is a sensory experience that lets you interact with a nature soundscape through touch-based interactions. The physical installation consists of carefully selected nature elements which is combined to create a wall mounted panel that connote nature. When you put on the attached noise cancelling…

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The Sensory Garden

The Sensory Garden was designed in collaboration with Bioteket Nørrebro; a volunteer-based green culture hub for sustainability that accommodates the growth of plants, music, art, social events and sustainable ideas. The goal was to make the space outside Bioteket more inviting while creating awareness about Bioteket among locals by enticing them to participate in a playful activity in green surroundings. The final design is a plant bed placed outside Bioteket with a screen hanging above it. The screen invites passers-by to interact with the plants by touching them. Touch is registered by the MPR121 capacitance sensor which activates sound and the screen to display information about…

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Experiencing Soundscapes with Sonic Zoom

The project explores how visitors of green urban areas experience soundscapes through sonic interactiondesign. The empirical foundation for the project consists of two encounters with visitors in Byhaven - a small urban garden situated on Amager close to ITU. The project revolves around Sonic Zoom; a sonic interaction design artefact created by AIRLab. Sonic Zoom allows the user to zoom in on sounds in an environment by interacting with four wheels that control volume of sound. Sonic Zoom was fitted with four sounds. By wearing wireless headphones, the visitors were enabled to create a personal soundscape that enables different auditive experiences of the environment. Analysis…

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IoT Research Platform

IoT Research Platform

My project is about how it is possible to instrument common everyday environments to support physical rehabilitation through daily activities. My project specifically centers around the instrumentation of a staircase. I have in my project developed an IoT Research Platform which is able to instrument a staircase with mats to support knee rehabilitation. The IoT Research Platform consist of several physical and software components; Raspberry Pi Zero W, Node-Red, IBM Cloud and Firebase. The IoT Research Platform can be used to further advance research surrounding the topic of instrumentation of everyday environment to support physical rehabilitation. PROJECT MEMBERS Rasmus Hans Christensen    

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The Pulsating Fruit Bowl prototype interaction

The Pulsating Fruit Bowl

We situated a specific interaction expressed by our main topic being the ripeness and decay of food. The design context was inspired by our audience being visually impaired. Our prototype illustrates how visually impaired people inspired us to work with touch and feel which became the foundation for the prototype. We wanted to seek a deeper understanding on how to conduct research through design by working with senses in relation to our audience and topic. DESIGN BRIEF Design a way to subjectivly experience the ripeness of a fruit through touch and feel and allow the users to reflect upon the interaction. DESIGN CONCEPT Create a fruit bowl which allows the user to assess and…

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Collective Affective Loops

Collective Affective Loops

Designing for shared experiences in Affective Computing This thesis explores the proposed concept of a Collective affective loop. The Collective affective loop aims to reinforce a mutual emotion within both its users, and increase the engagement in the social experience. A prototype was built in the social context of a blind date. This social context was chosen for its specific set of expectations, culture and rules. We anticipated that participants were more likely to express a smile in this social context, as it would be perceived as a positive gesture. Through the applied technology of Facial Expression Recognition (FER), the system tracked both participants’ facial…

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Heather: A Body of Art painting

Heather: A Body of Art

Multisensorial experiences through the merging of art and socio-digital materials In classic museum spaces, visitors can only experience paintings visually and at a distance. This distance is meant to conserve the piece, but it takes away from the visceral, sensuous experience of art. This project attempts to close this gap by enabling visitors to experience a painting affectively. The prototype (with the endearing name: Heather) functions as an affective and emotional reenactment of the original artwork. Heather features a canvas based, touch sensitive interface, which mimics the textures of the original piece. Interacting with Heather affects a dynamic, ambient soundscape. Different areas of the interface…

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Sensuous Exploration of Commons in Urban Spaces

Sensuous Exploration of Commons in Urban Spaces

Urban nature is all around us, entangled in all aspects of our human life. Nevertheless, people don’t seem to notice it, leaving it to be considered as something unvalued and unnoticed. We have found this to be rooted within an ubiquitous anthropocentric mindset flourishing within the human race. We have explored ways to ‘stay with the trouble’, through design to cultivate new ways of commoning in urban nature. To do so we have collaborated with Growing Pathway; an urban planning organization to rediscover the affective socio-natural relationship between urban nature and human beings. Within the field of interaction design, we have developed a sonic design…

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Muse – EEG, PPG, Gyroscope and Accelerometer

Muse S is a commercial EEG scanner developed for meditation, sleeping etc. This tutorial will walk you through connecting Muse S to your computer and accessing the raw datastreams via OSC and Processing. Muse provides health related data which consists of  PPG (heart rate) and raw EGG (Electroencephalography). Besides these there is also a gyroscope- and accelerometer which allows you to gather physical movement. With this tutorial we provide two 'bare minimum' Processing example codes for reading PPG and EEG to act as starting point to interface the Muse headset in your project. If you want to work with brainwaves see our tutorial on MindMonitor…

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Format SD cards automatically with Raspberry Pi

SDeraser is an AIRLAB Infrastructure that enables easy formatting of SD cards via a simple interface in the lab. This interface is useful when handling larger amounts of Raspberry Pi's, zoom recorders or similar where quick formatting of SD cards is necessary. The interface is a simple build consisting of a Raspberry Pi, an illuminated pushbutton and an SD card reader. The Raspi is running a python script that automatically detects newly inserted block devices (such as SD-cards or even USB drives), and subsequently erases the device using the ubuntu software called "parted". This tutorial will walk through setting up the Raspi, and explains the functionality of the…

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Formatting SD cards before returning equipment

In AIRLab we're lending out a lot of equipment to students throughout semesters. Some of this equipment holds an SD card for storage of data such as Raspberry Pi Kits and Zoom recorders, which means that data can easily be shared when equipment is inattentively returned and borrowed. It goes without saying, that AIRLab cannot take up responsibility for SD Cards that are returned with sensitive information. In AIRLab we therefore strictly require that SD-cards are formatted (wiped of data) before returned. This is primarily to avoid accidental sharing of sensitive data (eg. audio-interviews, photos, etc.), but it also makes it easier for the next borrower to get…

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